Saturday, November 22, 2014

12. Cats know warm place

Cats love being warm, cuddling up to something nice like a blanket or perching on windowsills to enjoy the afternoon sun. It is touching to find them in comfortable warm places.

Our summer in the Oceanic climate of the Pacific Northwest is ending, the days are getting shorter and colder, cat's coat thickens during the autumn season. They're soft, fluffy and now have dense thermal insulation from the fur growth. After the summer fur falls out, it is then replaced with winter fur. When the fur reaches optimum density (telogen phase) it goes through a slow growth period. Since shedding is significantly decreased during this phase, the new winter coat plays the role of natural warm-suit for protecting their bodies from the cold temperatures. When spring comes, they shed the winter coat.

One autumn day, I found one of my long haired cats got so thin. He didn't really lost weight, just lost all his long summer hair. Still, his growing winter coat was much shorter. Since he is an indoor cat, he doesn't mind short or long fur. He finds warm places to stay, as winter goes on, his fur does get longer and thicker. Cats are expert at finding cool or warm places, whichever fits their needs at the time. I see their interesting behavior in my house all year long.

When my husband and I moved into our home, 6 cats came along with us. One outdoor cat, three indoor cats, and two adopted old cats, like grumpy grandmas. Soon they understood the rules, having to deal with each other. At that time, coyotes often showed up behind our new house. So our cats weren't aloud to go outside.

Inside there is enough space for each of them to play, go to different rooms, upstairs and downstairs. They chose a favorite room, my husband's library, "A Library with a View". The room is on the northwest corner of the house. There are two windows in this upstairs hideaway. The cats gaze at the sky, clouds, hill, trees, houses, roads and moving things like people, animal or cars. Ah, if only they could understand how gorgeous the sunset is.

My husband has tons of books. The library walls are covered with bookshelf, and books are piled everywhere. There is a large guest room next to it also. Years later, we switched the library and guest room, because the growing number of books began invading other rooms. Bookshelves were moved in to the larger room. And cats moved also.

New library has only one window. Still they can see outside, but its not much to see. Do they want to read books rather than watching outside? Nay. They just follow their own habits, warmth. Yes, bookshelves function as insulation making the room warm. Sadly, I must admit, "A Room with a View" was not their first priority.

But wasn't existing insulation good enough? Our house was new when we purchased it in 2002. Since the result shows how cold the room became after the bookshelves were taken away and the next room got warmer because of it. Adding insulation is essential to every house.

After we applied Gaina Insulation Coating, the cats behavior changed again. Now they are back staying in the northwest corner guest room. I believe it is because the room has become comfortably warm since the application of Gaina. Cats know where the warm places are. Well, that is what they taught me about insulation anyway.