Wednesday, December 24, 2014

13. Spoofed dogs

Winter has come in the Pacific Northwest. Daylight is only 8.5 hours. Sunrise is at 8 AM. Sunset is at 4:30 PM. If we don't wake up early enough, we might miss daylight and live like a mole.
Frozen Wetland
Afternoon Temperature is 34°F
We have wet, cool and moderate winters. Occasionally, there are nice sunny blue skies, usually when it's going to be a freezing day. Because of radiative cooling, even the iced puddle in our backyard won't melt. Therefore freezing days continue until the usual cloudy and rainy days come back.

Well, no matter how wet or cold, the furnace makes our home comfortable indoors. Thankfully in this area, most pets live inside.
Thermostat Setting at 70°F
Every morning, my husband lets our dogs outside to do their business. Dogs haven't done that for hours so they are eager to go downstairs. They head to the back door, step outside, finish what they need to do. The dogs immediately come back inside, climb up the stairs, hurry into their cages, snuggle with fluffy doggy blankets and feeling relieved. Sounds like they wanted to tell us it shouldn't be so cold outside.

Sometimes dogs forget how cold it is out there. Sunlight streaming through the windows is so inviting. They want to feel warmth, beg us to open the door, and then they remember that it is still winter. They continue to do in and out until actual spring comes. It's frustrating yet amusing when they turn around at the door, not even taking one full step out. It looks like an invisible wall of cold air exists in front of their noses.

Living Room Temperature is 76°F
This is the second winter since we applied Gaina. After the first year we already had satisfactory results, our energy bills went down and air quality improved, making it soft and clean. This year my husband noted, "It's warmer than before."

You may ask, "How much was saved on energy bills?" or "What scientific evidence is there?" The information involves so many different factors, such as house size, where it is applied, how many applications or coats are used, difference of temperature and electric bill etc. It's a lot.

So, I wanted to simply say,  "We love it!"

"How about the dogs?" you may wonder, "Do they like Gaina too?" Our dogs like to lay on the sun heated tile floor. However, this year it's different. They lay in cool shaded areas. So it seems their usual places (the couch or their doggy beds) make them too warm. From time to time they need to cool down. Another bonus, they've stopped going in and out. The sunlight isn't as attractive to them, so it doesn't spoof them anymore. What this means is that they are warm and comfy just like my husband said. That is very good!

Meanwhile, the dogs' duty to protect our territory still continues. Their keen barking breaks my peaceful comfortable afternoon, forcing me to open the back door. They run out to check the perimeter, do a little barking, satisfy their obligation, then demand me to open the door again. Because, for the dogs, there is nothing more to do outside in cold weather. I'd like to say that they are still funny little dogs.

"It's cold! Let me in"