Saturday, May 16, 2015

18. Experience from coating GAINA

Every time I go into our house guest room, I feel very at ease. This coming September will be the second year since we coated GAINA, the insulation made of ceramic beads. In our house, we painted select rooms and ceiling areas, leaving some rooms as they were before to compare.

We are not the first to use GAINA coating. Some US businesses visited Nisshin Sangyo already, the company as best selling Eco Paint in Japan.

Originally, the ceramic insulation developed by NASA. Because of the effectiveness, ceramic insulation widely used and has been commercially available in the world. JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) was inspired to use their space technology to develop their own version. Duplication required expertise and strict safety measures. New Enterprise Promotion Department shared their ceramic beads insulation data with several interested developers.

Many Japanese leading paint companies failed at duplicating a usable ceramic coating, because the technology was far too advanced. That is why JAXA was supplied about Nisshin Sangyo. The small company reached a considerable level already. Now, GAINA is part of the JAXA COSMODE PROJECT. Scientists are continually finding more data in regards to its health benefits. That could be the reason I feel refreshed whenever I go into the guest room.

Right now, a long-term guest lives in our house. She has several health problems including allergies to cats and dogs. We have 4 cats and 5 dogs (at first 6 dogs). In the beginning, we thought for her to stay here would be impossible. However, she actually doesn't seem to mind. Time to time, cats and dogs visit her room, and make her smile. It wouldn't be possible without GAINA filtering the air of allergens.

My previous article mentioned that after we painted, we immediately felt different, and more peaceful. However, after our long-term guest came, the effect became more obvious.

For her privacy, the North Side guest room door was closed most of time. There were two windows. During summer time it was nice and cool, however in winter time it wasn't warm enough, because of heat loss through windows. Till we can upgrade the windows, we put in a portable far-infrared heater. In minutes it quickly warmed the whole room up and made it comfortable, and GAINA retained the heat effectively, She did wear summer dresses the entire winter.

Nisshin Sangyo took a long time to become the best seller of this product. At first, the public didn't understand about ceramic beads insulation. In time, word of mouth spread of its effectiveness. It is now the #1 paint in Japan. That is significant proof of its effectiveness. Right now, the main selling product for the company is the outside coating. However, they say the inside coating has better effects. Therefore, their business will continue to grow. We coated GAINA inside our house to have our own experience to make sure.

There is a lot of information out there about other ceramic coating insulations. GAINA is superior in its effectiveness since it originally came from NASA. However, each ceramic insulation products have different levels of effectiveness. The manufacturers can provide scientific information. However, I'm interested in actual experience. Does it save our money? Does it make our life comfortable? And I say "Yes, GAINA does". So I recommend it wholeheartedly to anybody who is interested in saving money and wants to feel nice living at home.