Thursday, June 25, 2015

19. Forest Air

Tree Canopy Shade
Forest air is refreshing and makes us feel good. While surrounded by trees, taking a deep breath when walking is so relaxing.

When I was a child, I went to the forest a lot. My father was an owner of a small family forest, handed down for several generations. We lived in an urban area, in Southern Japan. Every weekend, my father and uncle got together and went to grandmother's country home, and took care of the family property. 

Forests have to be managed well to keep them healthy. Breeze needs to pass through. Unnecessary undergrowth, bushes and branches cause harm to the forest so it had to be removed. It was hard work, especially in summer. Weather was very hot and humid, it was like South East Asia.

I helped my father work. I cleaned undergrowth and carried baby trees to plant. When I got tired, I took off and followed animal trails. Everybody was busy so they didn't notice where I went. I learned about the forest and how everything was inter-dependent 
by observing nature.

View from my house
Many years have passed. Now I'm living in the Pacific Northwest. And I enjoy having woods behind my house. Trees help clean air, control temperature, and manage storm water. If we properly maintain urban forests and enhance their health, the green infrastructure benefits our community.

I enjoy walking for hours in the forest, however not so much at the Mall or in the downtown area. Of course, I like to go shopping. But, if I don't rest frequently, I get a splitting headache, even though I'm not prone to headaches. Nature must have something that empowers me.

This may be one of the most fascinating aspects of GAINA. For example, the ion measurement within a GAINA coated room has the same ion distribution of mountainous areas at over 3200 ft above sea level. Special ceramic beads in GAINA are what improves air quality, by balancing positive and negative Ions. Negative and positive Ion balance is important. Now, I have that forest air right out my back door and balanced ions inside with GAINA coating.

From time to time, I think about my father's forest. When he was planting baby trees, he said to me,  "I plant, you take care, and your children will cut these trees". Owners of forests attached to family land, took great pride and were committed to their trees. However, grandmother, father and uncle have past away, and the forest was left alone without a caretaker. Cheaper imported lumber caused the decline of forestry. Many family forest owners can no longer survive. They don't have enough financing to continue as competitive forest-land holders.

National Park Forest
It's sad but I'm not disheartened by the forest situation. In time, I believe the forest will recover sooner or later, especially with help from caring people. Trees take years to grow, and the forest is resilient. I just need to be patient.

When I go into the forest, the trees, the colors and the smell of the air invigorate me. I had wonderful times when I was a child and even now my love of nature brings me great joy.