Sunday, July 19, 2015

20. Atmosphere of The Green Trees Tunnel

One early summer day, I was driving to a tiny water front town. My car passed through the city, went across the open sunny space on the outskirt of that town, and before I reached the boundary of the next town, I had to pass through a green tunnel of trees. When I entered it, suddenly I was wrapped with a nice cool pleasant feeling. There are many urban tree canopies and tree tunnels, but this particular tunnel had a special impact on me. Since then, I have been thinking about tree shade that stays comfortably cool during the hot summer.

A Pass Surrounded by Trees
Tree shade coolness wouldn't be obtained in the shade of the building. It is nature's air-conditioning. Trees pump water up from their roots, the temperature of leaf surfaces decrease, evaporating moisture from the leaves remove heat energy from the surrounding air. Transpiration is an important role for trees. This process maintains a constant temperature to prevent damage from high temperatures and keep us comfortable and healthy. Moisture from the soil where the tree stands help too. On a hot day, tree shade "fell like" temperature will be lower than asphalt and concrete areas, possibly by more than 27˚F (15˚C)

The "feel like" temperature is how we sense our perceptions that depend on humidity or wind and
differ from weather or room temperature. We may feel cool or warm at the same temperature. It's iffy, and there have been a lot of calculating formulas with claims and ideas. So to gain the benefits from tree shade, the most effective way is to study and get a better understanding of where to plant trees.

Some might say "Staying in an A/C room is enough". Of course air-conditioning makes us feel cool and creates a healthy environment. However, global warming is worsening. Could we help by gaining a better understanding nature? By using A/C effectively and efficiently we are reducing energy use?

When I went into the green tree tunnel, not only did the temperature drop down, the atmosphere had also changed dramatically. A natural phenomenon occurred from the evaporation of moisture from tree leaves and the ground, wind, the terrain and so forth bringing positive and negative ions into balance. The type of air was different from any machine made comfort.

And now, I have a similar experience in my house. After GAINA was applied in my house, the air quality has changed. Customers of GAINA commented on experiencing similar things after using GAINA, "Cool in summer" and "Air quality softened" are the common theme. This product originated from observing nature, and a keen desire to help the global environment by reducing personal and commercial energy use.

Since we are part of nature, respecting it will help to improve our lives. I appreciate the nice learning experience from the green tree tunnel. Embracing the understanding of how living close to trees is so important for health and comfort, I'm now enjoying a comfortable atmosphere inside and outside during the hot summer's day.