Friday, August 15, 2014

6. Thermal Insulation against Cold

Morning Seashore
I like walking. One of my favorite places to walk is the seashore near the Suzuki's home. Every time I visit Japan, I enjoy an early morning walk before breakfast. I didn't even miss it during the coating of Gaina at Suzuki's home.

After the coating was done and the furniture returned to its original place, I went walking on the beach as usual.

It was a cold morning. The beach sand was frozen like concrete. The weather forecast said the temperature was 28°F.

The previous evening, the heater and ventilation fan were turned on for drying Gaina, then turned off overnight. The next morning when I got up, I felt faint humidity and some warmth. Normally this area is warmer. That is why Mr. Suzuki never prepared for snow these past few days.

When I came back from the freezing seashore, Mrs. Suzuki was preparing breakfast. I turned on the heater automatically without thinking. Usually the heater is already on, but this morning it wasn't. Then Mrs. Suzuki said, "Oh, I didn't feel cold, so I didn't switch it on". I looked at her and said, "Really!?".

The room had a soft warm feeling. I didn't feel much of a chill. It was only one day after finishing the Gaina application, so it wasn't completely cured yet. I was surprised at how quick and effective Gaina was as thermal insulation. I wondered if this was because of Gaina, and if it happened like this every time?

Average energy loss in homes is 25-30% from the roof, 25-30% from windows and doors, and 25-35% from walls, depending on each house. For example, how much energy savings is from insulation that is already in the house, versus after more insulation has been added. Choosing the type of insulation is up to the homeowner and their budget. How insulation is installed is also an important factor. The house need to be sealed tight around windows, doors and cracks, but also needs good ventilation to circulate fresh air.

Suzuki's home was carefully prepared for the application of Gaina and had a quality job done. That may be the reason why we recognized the dramatic effect and so soon. I was excited to coat my house, and benefit the people in the U.S.

During the coating of Gaina, the door of the room was removed, and put back after I left Japan. I remember the thin vinyl covering over the entrance swelled out like a wind inflated sail. Warm air was trying to escape from the room.

Mr. Suzuki was very happy the effect of Gaina. He told me his only regret was that he didn't apply Gaina to his rental condominium, at the time it was being renovating for his daughter's family to rent.

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