Monday, March 23, 2015

16. Fireplace Popularity

The fireplace is not so popular in our house anymore. Of course, it is March. Spring's here and it's getting warmer. Who wants to stay by the fireplace? Well, I'm not talking about spring. This happened during the last winter.

Nobody at Fireplace
(pet-mat has enough space from fireplace for air)
In my previous article, it was talking about warmth on cold days. I know its better to show data. But when my husband and I coated GAINA in September of 2013, we didn't prepare well. So, we don't have exact numbers. We feel the results are amazing, so we went to the ones most likely to know GAINA's data. (in the future, it will come)

Meanwhile, I noted some comments, rather I should say, observations. They are our pets. You may think "What!?" Basically, animals are not persuaded by advertising, it's not possible to tamper with the outcome of their data either, simply, reacting according in the situation. They are just being honest.

Gathered together before coating GAINA. 
Anyway, our pets (cats & dogs) love laying in front of our fireplace, during the cold winter. Sometimes, they demanded me to turn on gas fireplace, staying there for long periods of time. The heat seems to entice them. Ah, when I touch their warm body and fur, even the smell warms my heart.

Yes, I know, we are spoiling them. Of course, we have to be careful for their safety, such as ventilation to get fresh air and not to get them burned.

The second winter has past since we coated GAINA. The manufacturer mentioned that as time passed, we would keep getting better results because of curing. And it was true. The effectiveness is better than the first year. Our pets proved it.

Panting... Too hot!?
For example, our golden retriever who has hip-dysplasia and arthritis, used to lay in front of the fireplace a lot. Nowadays however, she immediately start panting and moves away quickly. She now likes to lay at the cool entrance rather than at the fireplace even through the winter months.

She hates sitting on cold ground because of her hip condition. When she went to dog training class, her hips gave her trouble. Obeying the "Down" command on cold ground for extended lengths of time, was too much for her tender hind quarters. She couldn't walk well after a few days in class. Now, even though she enjoys training, she refuses the "Down" command when on cold ground.

Nice & comfortable in Winter
It's not only her, the little doggies won't stay near the fireplace either. When I turn it on they disappear immediately. So that's how our fireplace lost popularity. They still love the heat from the fireplace, just for short times now.

I love our fireplace. Both its warmth and watching the swaying and dancing of the flames are so soothing. However, I think wood stoves are the best for heat. Pellet stoves and gas fireplaces are both great. If I had enough space, I would like to have both of them. There are also eco-fireplaces that are nice to have. No matter what, many are drawn to fireplaces in cold winter days.

Well, since our pets stopped demanding us to turn on the gas fireplace, we have lower energy bills to pay while having plenty of warmth inside. These are my observations on the long-term effects of applying GAINA in our house. Happy pets~Happy humans!

Happy Family (watching my husband)
Dedicated to the memory of Tuffy (second from right). He died on March 30th, 2014.

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