Thursday, April 30, 2015

17. Polystyrene foam Insulation made me to think

Everybody wants to live comfortably! Cool in Summer and warm in winter. To achieve this, I thought for a long time, it was a necessity to have a Heat Pump or HAVC system. Of course, I had heard about insulation. However, I didn't think much of it due to a lack of knowledge. One day, that all changed when I saw SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) homes.

At a  building site of these houses, the contractors showed me a panel of polystyrene foam sandwiched between the interior and exterior of the entire structure, in floors, roofs and walls. They explained that the 2500 sq ft home  would have a monthly average electric heating bill of approximately $30 (rate at that time and some variation by region). I was amazed at how much insulation could effect our lives.

Although I'm not living in a SIP home right now, there was a time when my husband and I considered that option while searching for a new home. We didn't capitalize on our newly acquired knowledge because we didn't have enough time for future construction. We needed to move out of our previous house immediately. After first securing our financing, we were forced to find a home that was already completed. Soon we found it. Not even one month later, we were all moved in.

A View from My Kitchen Window in Spring
Anyway, we like our home, especially the location. It's close to parks and protected green-space. However, as time goes by, we noticed our heating bills were very expensive during the winter months.

At that time my interest in reducing Global warming and Energy conservation were also growing. Both issues are now generally accepted public concerns. Expensive heating bills and environmental issues led me to think of ideas about adding insulation in my house. But, how?

Still, I had little knowledge. How about Straw-bale construction. It would be wonderful. Or, maybe not, here in the soggy Northwest. When I learned that some cities banned polystyrene foam cups and food containers I was relieved that we didn't purchase a SIP home. EPS (expanded polystyrene) are very common in our lives. I thought about polystyrene insulation. Polystyrene foam has been widely used as a building material also.

There is a concern of Styrofoam damaging our environment and spreading to the rest of the world. Being unwelcome in many communities, some businesses have moved to reduce or switch to other products. It may not be easy for some businesses. However, society and the global manufacturing industry are always advancing. Embracing new ideas and technology to create better, healthier, and safer products.

When a new idea comes, we are likely to get confused. However confusion is not so bad, rather it makes us think and encourages us to improve. Yes it is true that we are naturally curious creatures. So I continuously search for ways to make our living more comfortable while being environmentally safe. I may not find a perfect solution, but I will find satisfaction in a better life.

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