Thursday, July 24, 2014

1. Save money while living comfortably

When you hear "comfortable living", what comes to mind? Some may imagine living in a luxurious house with nice interior design and designer furniture. Others may value a simple frugal life, having just enough to pay monthly bills. How about a worry free retirement? Comfort might be relatively defined, but isn't the common theme to feel ease of mind or body? How can we enjoy "comfortable living"?

The World Health organization's standard for warmth says 64°F is suitable for healthy people who are appropriately dressed. The average comfortable living room temperature is about 64-70°F. Therefore, ideal indoor conditions would be cool in summer, warm in winter, without the use of extra cooling and heating energy.

Adding insulation is the best way to improve energy efficiency in our home. Studies show that proper insulation can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 30%. If the average homeowner spent $300/mo. on utilities, that's a savings of $1,080 a year, and $ 10,800 over ten years. Wouldn't that be a nice amount of money back in your pocket?

I searched for Insulation on Google. There are more than 1.5 million search results. Many people are interested in keeping a comfortable but cost-effective indoor temperature.

Like everybody, I have been thinking about "living cool in summer, warm in winter". Every morning, I get up and go outside. On my deck there is a good view of trees and neighboring roofs. I think about energy conservation, because in winter, when frost and snow covers those roofs, the snow melts faster on some roofs than the others. I wondered if some people like to keep a higher temperature inside, or don't have good insulation. Either way, they are consuming a lot of energy for heat. They may not care about high heating bills. But, by and large, "green" trends are encouraging a low-carbon footprint economy. Wouldn't everyone want to save on energy costs? Take summer, for example, when roofs cook with radiant heat like a hot stove for those homes that lose heat in winter.

By the way, my husband doesn't like air conditioning. Oh, don't worry about me. We are living in the Pacific Northwest. When we purchased our house, we made sure that cool air could circulate throughout the house, so we could stay comfortable in the summer heat. Fortunately, our choice was successful. Although, once or twice in every summer, I do think about getting air conditioning seriously, but after a few days the heat goes away.

This is why when we heard about Gaina (ceramic beads insulation), we painted the coating in our house to give it a try. So far, our electric bill hasn't risen much this past winter, and the gas bill was also lower than usual throughout the year. We are very happy about it.

There are many ways to achieve comfortable living. Each individual might like their own way and have different experiences. I am still learningBecause invention and technology are continually advancingTherefore, I'd like to share my experience that could help others. So, we can all enjoy "comfortable living" together and smile.

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