Wednesday, July 30, 2014

4. Presentation that makes different

Gaina is a spin-off of Japan's Aerospace Technology. The "license for spin off" field is "environment and energy". I have  always been fascinated by space technology as in Science Fiction. But in real life, I'm just a house wife, and science technology is too complicated for me. That is why finding Gaina has happened unexpectedly.

When I was visiting Japan, Mr. Suzuki who is one of my friends mentioned how amazing Gaina is. And he suggested that I consider selling Gaina in the U.S. At first, I wasn't interested. However, he was persistent. So I finally agreed to go watch a Gaina presentation at the company that created Gaina.

After I went to Nissin Sangyo, Inc. and saw the experiments in person and listened to the explanations, I had to admit that Mr. Suzuki was right. Gaina was a wonderful product, and the presentation was very good. They said that most of an audience of businessman will purchase Gaina after watching the presentation. Since the live presentation makes it easier to understand and believe, this leads to faster decision making.

Sharing this reminds me of a presentation I sat through a few years ago. My husband and I invited a window salesman to our home for a presentation on the windows he was selling. We though the windows were very good, but we didn't purchase them. They were just too expensive for us at that time. Also, the salesman was pushy, and my husband wasn't sure about the company. Soon after, we heard that the company was having problems.

It was a good experience. Comparison of the window presentation and the Gaina presentation helped me to see each product better. Both products are in the field of environment and energy, designed to improve homes and buildings. Comparing each presenter's style was helpful as well, when I started thinking of selling Gaina in the U.S. When a presenter has enough confidence in his own product, he doesn't need to be pushy.

To my surprise, Nissin Sangyo didn't advertise Gaina, it was spread by word-of- mouth only. For the fourth consecutive year Gaina has been rated the top selling thermal coating in Japan.(2014/03/19) Nissin Sangyo isn't a big company. For them to achieve this level, making Gaina  the highest rated quality as an Eco paint. They went through many difficulties. Because of their pride in high quality and supplying superior products to the world, I felt comfortable applying Gaina in my house. Gaina's live presentation also helped me to see that better.

Mount Fuji
It was November 2012 that I went to my first Gaina presentation. Mr. Suzuki said to me, "Come back on January 15th, a Gaina work shop will be in my house". I said, "January!? Only two months away!" He answered, "Yeah, you should". So, I finished my trip, went back to the U.S. After much discussion with my husband, I ended up going back to Japan the following January.

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