Friday, July 25, 2014

2. Gaina can as an Air Purifier

Gaina is the thin (0.3-0.5 mm) insulating material that can be coated inside and outside buildings. Dried Gaina contains 80% of ceramic. In the process of drying, ceramic beads from 30 layers in a 0.3 mm thick coating. So, the surface area increases, and the effect is substantial.

If we apply Gaina inside, there is another effect as an air purifier. That was one of the strong reasons for me to choose Gaina.

I have been suffering many years with allergies, even before moving into the new house. My allergy-test results showed that pollen was the worst. Every pollen season, I couldn't lay flat to sleep. My runny nose and nasal congestion made it so I couldn't breathe well. My allergies were also accompanied by a dry, sore throat and lots of coughing. Since medication didn't work, I purchased the air purifier to produce negative ions.

Back then, electric negative ion purifying was new, and I didn't know much about it. Because I was desperate, I tried everything that sounds good to me. This time, it worked! Of course, negative ions didn't cure my allergy, but helped me to lay flat and sleep well.

There are many ionic air purifiers to electrically produce negative ions. I hear that ion generating devices have been shown to be effective. Under an ideal balance of negative and positive ions dust, cigarette smoke, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, viruses, and bacteria are neutralized. In addition to eliminating harmful particulates from the air, negative ions also have a number of unique health benefits. However, negative ions are still being studied, there are some negative comments. Besides, ionic air purification works best from a location near the ceiling. It won't work much if you set the purifiers on the floor.

In nature, air borne negative ions are highest near braking surf, in the mountains, forests, near waterfalls and rivers. Air ionic content is one reason why these places are more comfortable. I thought it would be nice to make negative ions without using electricity, and I found a way. It was Gaina.

Dr. Teruo Iwasaki (PhD in Education / preventive Medicine) measured the ion balance in the room applied with Gaina.
Result : Negative ions had the advantage over positive ions. Also there was much less dust and dirt in the air than before. The amount of ions are considered high-quality as in the forest at 3000 ft above sea level.
If we paint Gaina inside, it will seem like staying in a highland resort, while we are actually still in town.

When sunlight filtering through foliage came in through the window, I used to see dust floating in the air. But now, I only see beautiful sunlight, and enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility. It hasn't only improved air quality, without noise from electric negative ion purifier, it is more peaceful.

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