Wednesday, December 24, 2014

13. Spoofed dogs

Winter has come in the Pacific Northwest. Daylight is only 8.5 hours. Sunrise is at 8 AM. Sunset is at 4:30 PM. If we don't wake up early enough, we might miss daylight and live like a mole.
Frozen Wetland
Afternoon Temperature is 34°F
We have wet, cool and moderate winters. Occasionally, there are nice sunny blue skies, usually when it's going to be a freezing day. Because of radiative cooling, even the iced puddle in our backyard won't melt. Therefore freezing days continue until the usual cloudy and rainy days come back.

Well, no matter how wet or cold, the furnace makes our home comfortable indoors. Thankfully in this area, most pets live inside.
Thermostat Setting at 70°F
Every morning, my husband lets our dogs outside to do their business. Dogs haven't done that for hours so they are eager to go downstairs. They head to the back door, step outside, finish what they need to do. The dogs immediately come back inside, climb up the stairs, hurry into their cages, snuggle with fluffy doggy blankets and feeling relieved. Sounds like they wanted to tell us it shouldn't be so cold outside.

Sometimes dogs forget how cold it is out there. Sunlight streaming through the windows is so inviting. They want to feel warmth, beg us to open the door, and then they remember that it is still winter. They continue to do in and out until actual spring comes. It's frustrating yet amusing when they turn around at the door, not even taking one full step out. It looks like an invisible wall of cold air exists in front of their noses.

Living Room Temperature is 76°F
This is the second winter since we applied Gaina. After the first year we already had satisfactory results, our energy bills went down and air quality improved, making it soft and clean. This year my husband noted, "It's warmer than before."

You may ask, "How much was saved on energy bills?" or "What scientific evidence is there?" The information involves so many different factors, such as house size, where it is applied, how many applications or coats are used, difference of temperature and electric bill etc. It's a lot.

So, I wanted to simply say,  "We love it!"

"How about the dogs?" you may wonder, "Do they like Gaina too?" Our dogs like to lay on the sun heated tile floor. However, this year it's different. They lay in cool shaded areas. So it seems their usual places (the couch or their doggy beds) make them too warm. From time to time they need to cool down. Another bonus, they've stopped going in and out. The sunlight isn't as attractive to them, so it doesn't spoof them anymore. What this means is that they are warm and comfy just like my husband said. That is very good!

Meanwhile, the dogs' duty to protect our territory still continues. Their keen barking breaks my peaceful comfortable afternoon, forcing me to open the back door. They run out to check the perimeter, do a little barking, satisfy their obligation, then demand me to open the door again. Because, for the dogs, there is nothing more to do outside in cold weather. I'd like to say that they are still funny little dogs.

"It's cold! Let me in"

Saturday, November 22, 2014

12. Cats know warm place

Cats love being warm, cuddling up to something nice like a blanket or perching on windowsills to enjoy the afternoon sun. It is touching to find them in comfortable warm places.

Our summer in the Oceanic climate of the Pacific Northwest is ending, the days are getting shorter and colder, cat's coat thickens during the autumn season. They're soft, fluffy and now have dense thermal insulation from the fur growth. After the summer fur falls out, it is then replaced with winter fur. When the fur reaches optimum density (telogen phase) it goes through a slow growth period. Since shedding is significantly decreased during this phase, the new winter coat plays the role of natural warm-suit for protecting their bodies from the cold temperatures. When spring comes, they shed the winter coat.

One autumn day, I found one of my long haired cats got so thin. He didn't really lost weight, just lost all his long summer hair. Still, his growing winter coat was much shorter. Since he is an indoor cat, he doesn't mind short or long fur. He finds warm places to stay, as winter goes on, his fur does get longer and thicker. Cats are expert at finding cool or warm places, whichever fits their needs at the time. I see their interesting behavior in my house all year long.

When my husband and I moved into our home, 6 cats came along with us. One outdoor cat, three indoor cats, and two adopted old cats, like grumpy grandmas. Soon they understood the rules, having to deal with each other. At that time, coyotes often showed up behind our new house. So our cats weren't aloud to go outside.

Inside there is enough space for each of them to play, go to different rooms, upstairs and downstairs. They chose a favorite room, my husband's library, "A Library with a View". The room is on the northwest corner of the house. There are two windows in this upstairs hideaway. The cats gaze at the sky, clouds, hill, trees, houses, roads and moving things like people, animal or cars. Ah, if only they could understand how gorgeous the sunset is.

My husband has tons of books. The library walls are covered with bookshelf, and books are piled everywhere. There is a large guest room next to it also. Years later, we switched the library and guest room, because the growing number of books began invading other rooms. Bookshelves were moved in to the larger room. And cats moved also.

New library has only one window. Still they can see outside, but its not much to see. Do they want to read books rather than watching outside? Nay. They just follow their own habits, warmth. Yes, bookshelves function as insulation making the room warm. Sadly, I must admit, "A Room with a View" was not their first priority.

But wasn't existing insulation good enough? Our house was new when we purchased it in 2002. Since the result shows how cold the room became after the bookshelves were taken away and the next room got warmer because of it. Adding insulation is essential to every house.

After we applied Gaina Insulation Coating, the cats behavior changed again. Now they are back staying in the northwest corner guest room. I believe it is because the room has become comfortably warm since the application of Gaina. Cats know where the warm places are. Well, that is what they taught me about insulation anyway.

Friday, September 26, 2014

10. Warmness from the tile floor

Many people love tile floor. It's beautiful, durable and easy to clean. However some hate it. Because tile surface is hard, cold, and slippery.

When my husband and I decided to put tile throughout the entire first floor open combined living room and kitchen, one of my friends said "It's going to be cold in winter." Although, the tile installer told us that "Tile floors are warmer than wood floors". He didn't explain the reason why. Later I though about what he meant and wanted to know why.

It was autumn and the tile installation was finished. Our tile floors were so beautiful and we loved it! Especially my husband, because of its durability and ease of cleaning. We didn't notice much cold in following winter. Rather, I felt the mysterious change of warmness.

Our house upstairs had been slightly warmer than downstairs. Warm air moved up through the stairwell to second floor, since the thermostat is on the first floor. After the tile installation was finished, I would come half way down each morning, and feel a sudden soft warmness touch my skin. "Is that the warm air?" I thought. I felt like the warm air stayed on the first floor. Then I thought, "It can't be", I was in denial. Warm air moves up, and stays there, right? According to my friend, tile floor downstairs is supposed to be cooler.

Tile floors are well known for feeling cool on bare feet. Its cooler than wooden floors at the same room temperature. Tile moves heat faster than wood and is a good heat conductor, tile floor takes heat rapidly from skin. Wood is more of an insulator and tile is more of a radiator. Of course wood takes heat away from skin, but the difference felt has to do with speed. Carpeting is a better heat insulator than wood. It impedes the flow of heat and feels comparatively warm to bare feet. That is the reason why tile floors feel cold. On the opposite side, since it transfers well, it makes an excellent choice for in-floor radiant heat systems of one type or another.

The mysterious warmness that I felt wasn't from the air movement and had nothing to do with touching the floor. Then I thought about fires. I love bonfires. And watching the dancing flames in my fireplace makes me relaxed and warm, especially in cold conditions. The heat comes out from the flames, and not from circulating air. It's radiant heat. So I concluded that the mysterious warmness must be radiating from the tile floors, but we had no heat piping system, so where did the hear actually come from?

As I said, we have tile floor in down stairs and wood floor in up stairs. Our down stairs was warmer in winter, because of the radiant heat from tile floor. Our dogs love heated tile by sunlight. Over night, tile floor release accumulated heat absorbed by the suns infrared eneregy. That's why I felt warmness first thing in the morning.

However, the phenomenon changed and got better after Gaina was coated inside. Gaina contains ceramic beads as the insulator and adjusts to surrounding temperature. Even if you touch it, it doesn't feel cold like tile. So through out our house, we have same comfortable temperature.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9. Radiant insulation and accumulated heat

When searching for a dream house, it's good to remember that there is no perfect one. My husband and I didn't get everything we wanted. One concern was the west side of the house faces an open space. Sure we have a nice view of the sky and roofs. But during the summer, sunlight hits the west facing windows and my tiny office gets really hot, becoming nothing but a storage room.

We are living over the 45th parallel north. At this northerly latitude the shortest winter daylight is less than 9 hours, longest summer daylight is close to 16 hours. So my office gets long hours of direct sunlight in the summer.

Generally strong sunlight was coming through the windows heating the curtains and blinds. This became another heat source inside the room. Also the floor and walls were able to hoard heat throughout the day, elevating the room temperature to an unbearable level. I thought it would be better to entirely cover each window from the outside. One important point for cooling the room and saving energy is sunlight doesn't hit curtains, blinds, floor or walls. Which means that my office would be dark during the day making it difficult work in.

When my husband and I were thinking about how to block and unblock sunlight, one of our friends introduced us to Roll Shutters. These fit our needs exactly. At that time I didn't have much insulation knowledge, even though I was thinking about ideas for controlling the temperature without using air conditioning. We put Aluminum Shutters outside my office windows and Solar Shades on our south facing living room windows. When they are rolled down, to my amazement, immediately the inside cools down.

My office is cooler, but dark during the hottest times of summer. Even so it is much more comfortable. Then I thought about the outside of our house. If sunlight makes that much heat, what's going on with the roof and walls outside?

Roof Temperature Difference
Aluminum reflects 97% of solar heat. There are different types of roofs that reflect less than aluminum. Since Radiant barriers don't reflect 100%, the sunlight that isn't reflected penetrates the roof and outside walls and heats up the interior living space. Some may think insulation is supposed to prevent heat. But, insulation stores most of the heat, and releases it little by little. Heat moves from higher to colder temperatures. When the sun goes down and the outside air cools, insulation continuously releases absorbed heat into the room. Insulation is like a sweater. So the house is wearing winter clothes all year round. Winter heat moves the opposite direction, escaping to the outside.

Summer heat causes a huge load on air conditioning, costing more money and energy for cooling heated walls and ceilings. One solution is adding thicker insulation. It would slow down the conduction of heat, and pay for itself after many years. There are different types of insulation materials ranging in price, and better to look for a heat barrier with it.

We chose Gaina because it is a thin material, easy for us to apply. We used it inside on the walls and ceilings. Gaina can also be applied on the exterior of the house as a radiant reflection barrier. So in the future, we would like to put Gaina on the outside of our house since the interior application is working so great.

Now I have my office room back in summer. And enjoying beautiful summer sunsets, without using air conditioning.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8. Sunlight reflection

I love summers in the Pacific Northwest. We have cool, dry summers-subtropical like the Mediterranean. As Northwest summer approaches, no more gloomy wet weather, the sunny days and blue-sky increases. And the bellies of my Yorkshire Terriers get tan. Yes, belly not back. It sounds odd. But reflected sunlight from concrete roads (park trails) makes their belly tan. Their bellies are shaved, and close to the road surface.

Solar radiation heats our earth. Half of the sunlight reflects directly back to space or is absorbed into the atmosphere. The other half reaches the surface. Some of the surface heat energy also goes back out to space, balancing temperature and supporting life. Cities have higher temperatures from buildings and paved roads. This is known as the urban heat island.

Soil temperature is not raised much by the sun, and the shade from trees is almost the same as the air temperature. In contrast, concrete road temperatures can reach 120 °F (asphalt is even higher). The temperature rises rapidly when the sun hits a road surface, then drops very slowly after sundown. And 25% of UV radiation reflects from concrete, and maximum exposure is between 10 am - 4 pm. (Sun Safety) So, it is recommended to take our dogs for walks during other times of day to avoid these conditions.

The solution of global warming or an urban heat island could be to reflect the incoming sunlight back to space. There was an idea about painting roofs white and paved roads light-color. However I haven't seen many white roofs around my area, it may not be a popular thing to do. Although, if a white painted roof could save the world, we may have some work to do.

There are many products that reflect sunlight which lowers roof surface temperature. One of these products is Gaina. It reflects solar radiation by 90% and reflects infrared by 95% of observed heat, combined with other thermal insulating abilities, this makes Gaina an excellent option. We want to reduce electric bills as well as help reduce global warming. Much like a space suit. It shields radiation as well as insulates to keep the inside comfortable against hot and cold harsh conditions. The principle of universality has no magic solution to work alone. Likewise, Gaina has a variety of effects to save energy and money.

Well, summer ends, cloudy days come back. My small dogs' belly-tans fade. I also have a big dog, a Golden Retriever. Her belly doesn't seem to get as tan. Maybe her belly hair works as sun block. Anyway, I don't mind the gloomy weather season. Clouds seem to work as thermal insulation like blankets to prevent heat loss. So we don't have many freezing days. The dogs can enjoy walking year-round. Every year, when my doggy's belly turns back to its original pinkish white soft color, I know it's the coming of autumn.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

7. Nature and Technology

Nature gives us abundant gifts. We depend on so much, even advanced technology and industry gets inspiration from the natural world. For example, the owl's serrated feather edges are nearly silent for hunting. Inspired by an owl's feather, the technology of a vortex generator to reduce aerodynamic disturbances is utilized in aircraft and bullet train. It is also applied to competitive speed skater's boots and caps(helmets).

However, inspiration doesn't always come easy. It takes a long time to accumulate experience and record observations in nature to design technology. It would be nice for younger generations to start earlier.

With no intention of becoming a scientist, nor inventor, I discovered learning from nature is so much fun and beneficial. When I learned "deciduous" in the sixth grade, I imagined my future home with deciduous trees. In the summer, leaves cover trees and provide cool shade. In the winter, after the leaves fall, sunlight passes through the naked branches of trees and comes inside, providing my house with warmth. Such information encouraged me to care about nature and to think how I want to live.

Now, I have the house with a view of deciduous trees from my south-facing windows. In the winter, sunlight makes the inside warm like a green house. In the summer, trees provide shade during the hottest hours of the day. Just as I imagined it would when I was a child.

At first, I thought traditional insulation in the walls and attic of my house were going to be good enough. However, with the dramatic increase of energy consumption, limited natural resources, and global warming, energy conservation has become essential. I began to think, "Maybe we could do more".

Saving energy by insulating and controlling airflow is the fundamental starting point for any house. One of the biggest heat losses is windows, double-glazed windows are recommended. So... I thought, if double is good then triple might be better. Especially if the thermal barrier windows have a greater energy-saving technology that is measurable. High-performance windows such as triple-glazed windows originated from Swedish technology.

After watching the window demonstration in my home, I thought it may not be so good for my south-facing windows. I might lose the green house like effect I positively enjoy during the winter season. This in turn would actually increase the use of energy to heat the inside during daylight hours. Besides, isn't it that I learned form nature when I was child? I do like the idea of having triple-glazed windows for my west and north-facing windows. I decided I needed more time to think about it.

It's not easy to differentiate goods and services, especially when specialized knowledge is needed. Choosing a wrong service or commodity will result in a waste of energy, time, and money. Anyway, taking time to think about my house helped me to choose Gaina. When I see the live demonstration, I immediately found that it would fit my needs.

There is a close relationship to nature and technology. Paying attention to nature brings me joy in many ways, and technology inspired by nature fascinates me and benefits my life. This also stimulates me to think about energy conservation. So I continually do all I can to find products to make our life more comfortable and healthy, while protecting the earth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

6. Thermal Insulation against Cold

Morning Seashore
I like walking. One of my favorite places to walk is the seashore near the Suzuki's home. Every time I visit Japan, I enjoy an early morning walk before breakfast. I didn't even miss it during the coating of Gaina at Suzuki's home.

After the coating was done and the furniture returned to its original place, I went walking on the beach as usual.

It was a cold morning. The beach sand was frozen like concrete. The weather forecast said the temperature was 28°F.

The previous evening, the heater and ventilation fan were turned on for drying Gaina, then turned off overnight. The next morning when I got up, I felt faint humidity and some warmth. Normally this area is warmer. That is why Mr. Suzuki never prepared for snow these past few days.

When I came back from the freezing seashore, Mrs. Suzuki was preparing breakfast. I turned on the heater automatically without thinking. Usually the heater is already on, but this morning it wasn't. Then Mrs. Suzuki said, "Oh, I didn't feel cold, so I didn't switch it on". I looked at her and said, "Really!?".

The room had a soft warm feeling. I didn't feel much of a chill. It was only one day after finishing the Gaina application, so it wasn't completely cured yet. I was surprised at how quick and effective Gaina was as thermal insulation. I wondered if this was because of Gaina, and if it happened like this every time?

Average energy loss in homes is 25-30% from the roof, 25-30% from windows and doors, and 25-35% from walls, depending on each house. For example, how much energy savings is from insulation that is already in the house, versus after more insulation has been added. Choosing the type of insulation is up to the homeowner and their budget. How insulation is installed is also an important factor. The house need to be sealed tight around windows, doors and cracks, but also needs good ventilation to circulate fresh air.

Suzuki's home was carefully prepared for the application of Gaina and had a quality job done. That may be the reason why we recognized the dramatic effect and so soon. I was excited to coat my house, and benefit the people in the U.S.

During the coating of Gaina, the door of the room was removed, and put back after I left Japan. I remember the thin vinyl covering over the entrance swelled out like a wind inflated sail. Warm air was trying to escape from the room.

Mr. Suzuki was very happy the effect of Gaina. He told me his only regret was that he didn't apply Gaina to his rental condominium, at the time it was being renovating for his daughter's family to rent.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

5. Possible Work Shop

Two months have passed since first hearing about Gaina. I am headed to Tokyo again. I carefully planned my business trip. Mr. Suzuki's "Home Gaina Work Shop" was on January 15th. My airplane arrived to Japan on the afternoon of the 14th. Well, on that day, Tokyo was in a panic. A sudden heavy snowfall hit the Tokyo area, worsening throughout the afternoon.

Airport runways were so congested, my airplane had to do an unusual zigzag flight pattern until we were cleared to land. After landing, because all the gates were full, we couldn't get out of the airplane. Finally, after an hour stuck in the airplane, we were allowed to disembark. Unfortunately, another problem was awaiting me due to the unexpected storm.

Very few forms of public transport were operating, so the Tokyo area was packed with people trying to get home. Just think, one major railway station in Tokyo, Shinjuku, averages over 3 million passengers everyday (Guinness World Records Certified). And I saw a lot of people at the Tokyo Station. It amazed me that people were continually moving forward even in the long lines at the ticket barriers.

Thankfully, I only had a short distance to go that day. My plan was to stay at the Hot Springs Spa, and be able to enjoy a nice relaxing evening before attending the workshop on the following day.

Meanwhile, the sudden snowfall caused a "Mr. Suzuki is missing" incident. The afternoon of the 14th, he decided to go to Costco, only 20 minutes away from his home. After his shopping was complete, on his way home, the heavy snowfall caused difficult traffic. Mr. Suzuki was stuck in the snow with all the other cars. On top of that, his phone was dead. Five hours later, Mr. Suzuki finally made it home. His family was so relieved! After seeing that he was safe, he got in big trouble from his family because he didn't answer his phone.

The 15th, contrary to the 14th, turned out to be a nice day. Still a lot of snow remained on the roadside, and some people fell down, but I arrived safely to Mr. Suzuki's home in the morning. Curiously, I didn't see anybody there except the grandma sitting in the living room. Because the snowfall caused so much trouble, the work shop had been canceled. Even so, it was good for me to come overseas. At least one person came to see how to apply Gaina, anyway.

During this trip, I learned so much about Gaina and became Mr. Suzuki's drinking partner. When I think back to the January 14th snowfall in Tokyo, it is almost comical.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

4. Presentation that makes different

Gaina is a spin-off of Japan's Aerospace Technology. The "license for spin off" field is "environment and energy". I have  always been fascinated by space technology as in Science Fiction. But in real life, I'm just a house wife, and science technology is too complicated for me. That is why finding Gaina has happened unexpectedly.

When I was visiting Japan, Mr. Suzuki who is one of my friends mentioned how amazing Gaina is. And he suggested that I consider selling Gaina in the U.S. At first, I wasn't interested. However, he was persistent. So I finally agreed to go watch a Gaina presentation at the company that created Gaina.

After I went to Nissin Sangyo, Inc. and saw the experiments in person and listened to the explanations, I had to admit that Mr. Suzuki was right. Gaina was a wonderful product, and the presentation was very good. They said that most of an audience of businessman will purchase Gaina after watching the presentation. Since the live presentation makes it easier to understand and believe, this leads to faster decision making.

Sharing this reminds me of a presentation I sat through a few years ago. My husband and I invited a window salesman to our home for a presentation on the windows he was selling. We though the windows were very good, but we didn't purchase them. They were just too expensive for us at that time. Also, the salesman was pushy, and my husband wasn't sure about the company. Soon after, we heard that the company was having problems.

It was a good experience. Comparison of the window presentation and the Gaina presentation helped me to see each product better. Both products are in the field of environment and energy, designed to improve homes and buildings. Comparing each presenter's style was helpful as well, when I started thinking of selling Gaina in the U.S. When a presenter has enough confidence in his own product, he doesn't need to be pushy.

To my surprise, Nissin Sangyo didn't advertise Gaina, it was spread by word-of- mouth only. For the fourth consecutive year Gaina has been rated the top selling thermal coating in Japan.(2014/03/19) Nissin Sangyo isn't a big company. For them to achieve this level, making Gaina  the highest rated quality as an Eco paint. They went through many difficulties. Because of their pride in high quality and supplying superior products to the world, I felt comfortable applying Gaina in my house. Gaina's live presentation also helped me to see that better.

Mount Fuji
It was November 2012 that I went to my first Gaina presentation. Mr. Suzuki said to me, "Come back on January 15th, a Gaina work shop will be in my house". I said, "January!? Only two months away!" He answered, "Yeah, you should". So, I finished my trip, went back to the U.S. After much discussion with my husband, I ended up going back to Japan the following January.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

3. Soundproofing your Home with Gaina

My husband and I have 4 cats. They were rescued over the years. We let them stay upstairs during the day time. We have 5 dogs also, that stay down stairs most of the time. Our cats and dogs can mingle together, but they seem to like this separation arrangement. At night, after the dogs go to kennel for sleep, cats are free to come down and busy themselves checking for any changes. Cats are nocturnal and like to have space, so live their own way. Of course even during the daytime, cats pray, chase each other, and make noise. Their fun running footsteps are heartwarming.

However, there is a sound that's very unpleasant. It's a sound from the upstairs bathroom. When the water runs through the pipes, it makes a loud rumbling noise through the down stairs wall. It's obvious that somebody is using the facilities. So far, nobody (including our guests) has said anything about the presence of this sound. But, doing something about the rumbling water sound was on my list.

This problem isn't uncommon. For example, when I was living in a condo, I could hear the upstairs neighbor's walking on the wood floors, shutting doors, and using of the toilet or emptying the bath. There are several solutions to reducing the sound. The trouble is costly. If we had ready money, it would have been fix by now. Since the priority isn't high enough, we have to put up with the noise till we have some money. Like us, many are looking for an easy and cost-effective solution.

We were excited, when we found that Gaina had a soundproofing effect. Our original idea to chose Gaina was increasing thermal insulation, for keeping comfortable temperatures and saving on our electric bill. Also for improved air quality indoors. On top of that, we could fix of noisy bathroom sound, we were so excited.

However, I did wonder how much sound Gaina could really absorb . (dB - decibel - measure sound level)

Recommended sound level of residential area is:
     daytime- 55 dB, evening- 45 dB, bedroom at night- 30 dB.

The average of noise level is:
     lawnmower - 90 dB
     garbage disposal, alarm clocks, window air conditioner - 80 dB
     toilet flushing - 75 dB
     dishwasher, wash machine, vacuum cleaner, busy street traffic - 70 dB
     children's running foot noise - 60 dB
     conversation - 60 dB (laud - 80 dB).

Here is Gaina's impact sound test, for hitting a regular frying pan and Gaina coated frying pan
with a hammer.

Result of hitting hammer sound was:
     regular pan - 94.7 dB,
     Gaina pan - 74.9 dB.

It was a 20 dB reduction.

Of course these were the experimental results. And different results will come out in various houses or buildings.

This means our toilet flushing sound could be brought down to the recommended sound level.

Since our ceiling and walls were coated with Gaina, we haven't noticed the upstairs toilet flushing sound as much. We are very happy about this effect of Gaina.

How about cats? Are they quieter? Well, from time to time, they sit atop the stairs, looking down on the dogs through the boundary gate. Still, we have the sounds that a dog will make, who has been provoked purposely. Making noise in a fit of their natural impulse to chase cats, is the one of providence in the natural world, isn't it?

Friday, July 25, 2014

2. Gaina can as an Air Purifier

Gaina is the thin (0.3-0.5 mm) insulating material that can be coated inside and outside buildings. Dried Gaina contains 80% of ceramic. In the process of drying, ceramic beads from 30 layers in a 0.3 mm thick coating. So, the surface area increases, and the effect is substantial.

If we apply Gaina inside, there is another effect as an air purifier. That was one of the strong reasons for me to choose Gaina.

I have been suffering many years with allergies, even before moving into the new house. My allergy-test results showed that pollen was the worst. Every pollen season, I couldn't lay flat to sleep. My runny nose and nasal congestion made it so I couldn't breathe well. My allergies were also accompanied by a dry, sore throat and lots of coughing. Since medication didn't work, I purchased the air purifier to produce negative ions.

Back then, electric negative ion purifying was new, and I didn't know much about it. Because I was desperate, I tried everything that sounds good to me. This time, it worked! Of course, negative ions didn't cure my allergy, but helped me to lay flat and sleep well.

There are many ionic air purifiers to electrically produce negative ions. I hear that ion generating devices have been shown to be effective. Under an ideal balance of negative and positive ions dust, cigarette smoke, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, viruses, and bacteria are neutralized. In addition to eliminating harmful particulates from the air, negative ions also have a number of unique health benefits. However, negative ions are still being studied, there are some negative comments. Besides, ionic air purification works best from a location near the ceiling. It won't work much if you set the purifiers on the floor.

In nature, air borne negative ions are highest near braking surf, in the mountains, forests, near waterfalls and rivers. Air ionic content is one reason why these places are more comfortable. I thought it would be nice to make negative ions without using electricity, and I found a way. It was Gaina.

Dr. Teruo Iwasaki (PhD in Education / preventive Medicine) measured the ion balance in the room applied with Gaina.
Result : Negative ions had the advantage over positive ions. Also there was much less dust and dirt in the air than before. The amount of ions are considered high-quality as in the forest at 3000 ft above sea level.
If we paint Gaina inside, it will seem like staying in a highland resort, while we are actually still in town.

When sunlight filtering through foliage came in through the window, I used to see dust floating in the air. But now, I only see beautiful sunlight, and enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility. It hasn't only improved air quality, without noise from electric negative ion purifier, it is more peaceful.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

1. Save money while living comfortably

When you hear "comfortable living", what comes to mind? Some may imagine living in a luxurious house with nice interior design and designer furniture. Others may value a simple frugal life, having just enough to pay monthly bills. How about a worry free retirement? Comfort might be relatively defined, but isn't the common theme to feel ease of mind or body? How can we enjoy "comfortable living"?

The World Health organization's standard for warmth says 64°F is suitable for healthy people who are appropriately dressed. The average comfortable living room temperature is about 64-70°F. Therefore, ideal indoor conditions would be cool in summer, warm in winter, without the use of extra cooling and heating energy.

Adding insulation is the best way to improve energy efficiency in our home. Studies show that proper insulation can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 30%. If the average homeowner spent $300/mo. on utilities, that's a savings of $1,080 a year, and $ 10,800 over ten years. Wouldn't that be a nice amount of money back in your pocket?

I searched for Insulation on Google. There are more than 1.5 million search results. Many people are interested in keeping a comfortable but cost-effective indoor temperature.

Like everybody, I have been thinking about "living cool in summer, warm in winter". Every morning, I get up and go outside. On my deck there is a good view of trees and neighboring roofs. I think about energy conservation, because in winter, when frost and snow covers those roofs, the snow melts faster on some roofs than the others. I wondered if some people like to keep a higher temperature inside, or don't have good insulation. Either way, they are consuming a lot of energy for heat. They may not care about high heating bills. But, by and large, "green" trends are encouraging a low-carbon footprint economy. Wouldn't everyone want to save on energy costs? Take summer, for example, when roofs cook with radiant heat like a hot stove for those homes that lose heat in winter.

By the way, my husband doesn't like air conditioning. Oh, don't worry about me. We are living in the Pacific Northwest. When we purchased our house, we made sure that cool air could circulate throughout the house, so we could stay comfortable in the summer heat. Fortunately, our choice was successful. Although, once or twice in every summer, I do think about getting air conditioning seriously, but after a few days the heat goes away.

This is why when we heard about Gaina (ceramic beads insulation), we painted the coating in our house to give it a try. So far, our electric bill hasn't risen much this past winter, and the gas bill was also lower than usual throughout the year. We are very happy about it.

There are many ways to achieve comfortable living. Each individual might like their own way and have different experiences. I am still learningBecause invention and technology are continually advancingTherefore, I'd like to share my experience that could help others. So, we can all enjoy "comfortable living" together and smile.